5 Lesser-Known Oriental Area Rugs To Place In Your Home’s Décor!
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5 Lesser-Known Oriental Area Rugs To Place In Your Home’s Décor!

Homeowners everywhere know just how popular Oriental rugs are within the home décor industry, but a lot of people don’t realize just how much variation there is within this sector of the rug world.

If you’re looking for area rugs that offer an Oriental aesthetic that are also more unique as compared to what you typically see at other homes and businesses, then you should consider some lesser-known Oriental rug styles.

Below we’ll be delving deeper into the details about five lesser-known Oriental area rug styles that could be a great addition to your home’s décor!

Kashan Area Rugs

Kashan rugs are technically a popular Persian rug style, and they originate from an Iranian city that creates the namesake. Most Kashan rugs are made with silk, and the weaving technique associated with these rugs dates all the way back to the 1500s!

Many Kashan rugs are also made with wool-silk combinations, and the wool is slightly different due to the region’s desert climate. The dyes, colors and patterns of Kashan rugs have always portrayed a luxurious appearance, and they’re still incredibly valuable in today’s marketplace.

Some tips for identifying authentic Kashan rugs include:

  • Carefully examining the rug’s underside and fringe. Kashan rugs typically use a Senneh asymmetrical knot, and most other Oriental rugs have symmetrical knots.
  • Kashan rugs feature very vibrant colors like red, royal blue and ivory. Medallion patterns are often the central focus point of a Kashan rug’s design, and these medallions usually start around the rug’s corners.
  • Most Kashan rugs have a short pile.
  • These area rugs are often heavy and dense.

Tabriz Area Rugs

Tabriz rugs originate from the northwestern corner of Iran, and these rugs typically feature large rectangular shapes that are used for long hallways as runner rugs.

Tabriz rugs are usually made from soft wool, silk or cotton—because these materials are all found within the Tabriz area. What differentiates Tabriz rugs from other Persian rug styles is that they feature more obscure shapes, including hexagon and octagon variations.

Here are some tips to identify authentic Tabriz rugs:

  • Hand-knotted technique and fine textures.
  • Smooth touch.
  • Elaborate floral and hunting design themes, as well as traditional medallions that originate around the rug’s edges and flow toward the rug’s center.
  • Unique colors like orange, ivory, rich copper, terracotta and burgundy.
  • Only horizontal threads being visible when viewing the backside of the rug.

Qum Area Rugs

Qum area rugs are incredibly beautiful, and they originate from the Iranian holy city of Qum.

Qum rugs have only recently become popular as of the 1930s, which is ironically why they’re considered to be one of the most modern Oriental rug styles in today’s marketplace.

Qum rugs are known for being very large, especially as compared to other Oriental rug styles.

Tips for identifying authentic Qum rugs include:

  • Incredible details made with fine silk fibers.
  • Depressed warps due to very tight wefts.
  • Asymmetrical knots (similar to Kashan rugs).
  • The rug’s underside will have a Kilim style, which supports the rug’s fringe along all sides.

Kerman Area Rugs

Kerman rugs are a very old Persian rug style, and this style dates back to the 16th century in South Persia. It’s also possible that you might find similar rugs referred to as Laver rugs, but these rugs are the exact same as Kerman rugs.

Some of the most common features of Kerman rugs include:

  • Each knot features three turns, with more tension on the first and third turns. These turns offer increased stability, and weave pattern will be easily noticeable on the rug’s underside.
  • Kerman rugs are made from very soft Carmania wool, which means they’ll have a slightly thicker texture as compared to silk area rugs.
  • Kerman rugs typically come in 10×14 and 9×12 sizes.

Bijar Area Rugs

Bijar rugs originate from the northwest corner of Iran, and this rug style is known for its eye-catching designs and very bright colors.

Bijar rug designs always feature medallion borders that coincide with interwoven flowers. It’s also possible for Bijar rugs to not feature large fringes, which is different as compared to most other Persian rug styles.

Here’s how to identify authentic Bijar rugs:

  • Bijar rugs are made with vegetable dyes, which usually make up rich yellows, oranges and reds.
  • Bijar rugs utilize what’s known as a Turkish knot, which is also referred to as a Gordies knot. These knots feature two weft rows being inserted between each knot row.
  • Bijar rugs are inspired by older rug styles via thick bodies and tight weaves. This means that they’re some of the most durable of all Oriental rugs.

Which Oriental Area Rugs Are Right For My Home’s Décor?

There’s absolutely no denying how Oriental rugs are unique, beautiful, and made by some of the world’s most experienced artisans. No matter which Oriental rug style you choose, you definitely won’t be disappointed.

It’s understandable how rug shoppers can get confused while narrowing down their top style options, and this is why it’s always a great idea to seek out professional help when you’re shopping online for area rugs.

One of the best online rug marketplaces in the United States is Rug Source, and one thing that sets Rug Source apart from other websites is their unparalleled customer service and gigantic selection of high-quality area rugs. They also offer one of the best shipping and return policies in the country, which is why they’re an up-and-coming outlet that’s only getting bigger.

You can speak directly with the Rug Source team when you check out their website by clicking on the hyperlink located at the top of this page!